School personnel are assigned to schools when they are added to the database. However, school network level administrators and school network staff can change personnel assignments for any school, and school level administrators can remove (unassign) personnel from their schools. If necessary, a person can be assigned to more than one school.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
School Network Level Administrators, School Network Staff, School Level Administrators
- On the Home page, select your initials in the upper-right corner. In the drop-down list, select Manage Apps & Users.
- Select Users.
- Select Personnel.
Search for the person whose school assignment you need to change.
- To retrieve a list of all personnel, leave "All" selected, do not enter anything in the text field, and skip to step 5. (If you are a school administrator, this only finds personnel in your school.) Select Search.
- Type the person's name, user name, or ID in the search field. You do not need to type the entire name; the software can perform partial matches based on what the name, user name, or ID starts with. If you include a space in what you are searching for, the software assumes you are looking for a first name and last name (such as "John Smith"). If you enter a last name first and then a first name, include a comma (such as "Smith, John"). This is especially helpful if you are using a last name that includes a space. Type your search criteria, then select Search.
- Use the drop-down list to choose School; then, select the school before searching.
- The personnel who matched your search will be listed. Select the person's name. (If the list is long, you may need to select the arrows above or below the search results to move forward and back through the list.)
- Select the Schools and Permissions Group tab. Follow the steps that apply to your position:
School network level administrators and school network staff
- Select Edit School(s).
- When the Edit Schools list opens, the person's current school(s) will be selected. If you want to remove the person from this school, remove the tick from the box. If you want to assign this person to a different school(s), tick the box(es) for those schools.
- Select Apply.
- Back on the Schools and Permissions Group tab, select the Permission group you want for this person, either in the school or the school network. The position that you choose determines which tasks this person can perform in the software. Note that you can only select one.
- When you have finished changing the person's school assignments, select Save. If you decide not to save your changes, select Cancel instead.
School level administrators
- If the person is not currently assigned to your school, you can assign him or her by selecting Edit School(s).
- When the Edit Schools list opens, the person's current school(s) will be selected. If you want to remove the person from this school, remove the tick from the box. If you want to assign this person to a different school(s), tick the box(es) for those schools.
- Select Apply.
Once a person has been assigned to a school, you can select that person as a lead teacher for a class in the school when you add or edit the class, or you can add the teacher as a team teacher to the class.