Use this page to add or remove teachers from an existing class.
How Do I Get to This Page?
- On the Home page, select your initials in the upper-right corner. In the drop-down list, select Manage Apps & Users.
- Select Classes & Courses.
- Select a school.
- Search for a course or class.
- In the list of results, select the name of a class that you want to change the teachers for.
- On the Edit Class Details page, select Add/Remove Teachers.
How to Add or Remove Teachers from a Class
Who can do this with default user permissions?
School Network Level Administrators, School Network Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff
You start by searching for the teachers to assign.
- Enter the teacher's name, user name, or ID. Or, to see the list of all teachers in your school, leave the field blank.
Search tips
- If you include a space in what you are searching for, the software assumes you are looking for a first name and last name (such as "John Smith").
- If you enter a last name first and then a first name, include a comma (such as "Smith, John"). This is especially helpful if you are using a last name that includes a space.
- If you enter characters without a comma or space, the software will look for names, user names, and IDs that start with that text. For example, "ann" might find personnel with the first name "Ann" or "Annabelle" or the last name "Anning", user names like "ann32", or IDs like "ann36278".
- Select the magnifying glass (the search icon).
- In the search results, tick the box for the teacher(s) that you want to add and select + Assign Teachers.
- The teacher(s) will be added to the table on the right. Select the Lead option for one teacher (required). Any other teachers you assigned will be team teachers.
- To remove team teachers, select Unassign next to the teacher in the table on the right.
- Select Done to save your changes.
Select Back to return to the previous page without saving your changes. - On the Edit Class Details page, select Save to save your changes.