How do I get to this page?
- Log in to Renaissance.
- On the Home page, select one of the following programs: Star Reading, Star Early Literacy or Star Maths.
- In the drop-down list, select Data Insights.
- After selecting the schools, screening periods, and products on the Star Data Insights page, select Explore the data at the bottom of any tile on the page.
Who can do this with default user permissions?
- School Network Administrators: any class or group in any school in the school network
- School Administrators: any class or group in their own school
- Teachers: any of their own classes or groups
- Selecting Explore the data on one of the tiles on the Star Data Insights page leads you to this table, where the data is broken down further.
For each school, the screening rate, the number of students who have been screened, and the number of students who are eligible for screening are shown. Students who are non-participants are not included in the calculations and will not be counted as unscreened students.
For each school, the screening rate, the number of students who have been screened, the number of students who are eligible for screening and the number of unscreened students are shown. Select the "unscreened students" link in the row for a school or year for more information about the unscreened students.
Students who are non-participants are not included in the calculations and will not be counted among unscreened students.
Lists of more than 100 students are impracticably long; therefore, rows that have more than 100 students will not have an "unscreened students" link. We recommend adjusting your filters, changing the "View By" from School to Year or waiting for more students to complete assessments in order to reduce the length of the list.
How are screening rates calculated?
Screening rates (SR) are calculated as:
SR = SScr / (SElg – SNp)
SScr = students screened
SELg = students eligible for screening (assigned to a class with an assigned product; enrollment figures are updated nightly)
SNp = students who are not participating in screening (based on the setting of students' Non-Participation status)
- Use the School, Year and Screening Period drop-down lists to change the information shown.
- You can only select schools that you have access to.
- In the Year drop-down list, tick years you want to include, or remove the tick from those you do not want to include. You can also use the Select All/Clear All link at the bottom to tick or remove the tick from all of the years at once.
- Teachers can only select a year if they have students in that year assigned to one of their classes.
Select Update above the upper-left corner of the table after making your selections to update the table.
- Use the School and Year options above the table to choose how to view the data in the table (School is the default option).
Select a column heading to sort the table according to that column. An arrow in the column head will show which column is being used for sorting and what the order is ( is A–Z or low-to-high numbers; is Z–A or high-to-low numbers).